La Guerre entre Pamela Bach et David Hasselhoff
Ce qui semblait etre un divorce a l'amiable est devenu une guerre entre Pamela Bach et David Hasselhoff.
E! a rapporte que lorsque les documents de divorce ont ete sortis publiquement, on a decouvert que Pamela Bach accusait David Hasselhoff de l'avoir donne 16 ans de harcellement, menaces et abus physique!! Bach a demande une ordre du juge pour tenir a David loin d'elle de facon permanente mais elle a recu qu'une ordre de maniere temporaire .
Apres cela, David Hasselhoff a nie toutes les accusations contre lui dans une declaration qu'il a envoye a TMZ. Dans cette declaration il a dit qu'il niait cathegoriquement les accusations de son epouse et en plus il suggere qu'elle a besoin de... "aide professionelle" car elle a "des problemes personelles qui doivent etre resolus avec l'aide d'un professionel" (mmmm en d'autres thermes il l'a appelle folle ;D ).
'David Hasselhoff categorically denies that he has engaged in the conduct alleged by his wife. Unfortunately, Mrs. Hasselhoff has personal issues that need to be addressed with the assistance of professionals.' M&C
Oh mais l'affaire n'a pas fini la! Il y a encore!!! attendez.. c'est une grosse tartine la... ;D
Apres que David a nie les accusations, Pamela Bacha mis une note dans son site internet ou elle dit que son publiciste a contacte TMZ pour demander des explications sur les accusations de Hasselhoff (qu'elle etait folle quoi :) )... et elle accuse alors David Hasselhoff de "difamation".
Dale Olson, Pamela's publicist, contacted TMZ to respond to that statement. "We question Mr. Hasselhoff's statement about his wife requiring professional help," Olson says. "What does that mean? Professional help could mean an agent looking for a job for her. What [David] is trying to imply is something medical and that is a defamatory statement and we object to that. There has never been an allegation of this type made against Pamela in her career." Olson adds, "Pamela has been quiet throughout the entire divorce because she wanted to protect the privacy of the children, and now Mr. Hasselhoff is bringing them into the divorce and we object to that." In addition, Pamela's attorney Gary Mitchell calls the claims made in the court documents by her estranged husband "false and defamatory statements without merit. [David's claims] have not ever been proven." Thank you all for your support during this time. Pamela has been very appreciate of your love and support. Thank You ... - Stephany Hurkos Pamela Bach websiteNon mais... vous vous rappellez de ce film.... "The war of the Roses" ... ??
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